60~80년대♬&영상/º··㉥㉦㉧㉨㉩   Posted by TheDreaming  2014. 4. 1

M) Animotion -> Obsession

Released: 1984

Genre: Electronic

Style: Synth-popDisco

You are an obsession

I cannot sleep

I am your possession

Unopened at your feet

There's no balance

No equality

Be still I will not accept defeat

I will have you

Yes, I will have you

I will find a way and I will have you

Like a butterfly

A wild butterly

I will collect you and capture you


You are an obsession

You're my obsession

Who do you want me to be

To make you sleep with me

You are an obsession

You're my obsession

Who do you want me to be

To make you sleep with me

I feed you I drink you

My day and my night

I need you I need you

By sun or candlelight

You protest

You want to leave


Oh, there's no alternative

Your face appears again

I see the beauty there

But I see danger

Stranger beware

A circumstance

In your naked dreams

Your affection is not what it seems


My fantasy has turned to madness

And all my goodness

Has turned to badness

My need to possess you

Has consumed my soul

My life is trembling

I have no control

I will have you

Yes, I will have you

I will find a way and I will have you

Like a butterfly

A wild butterly

I will collect you and capture you


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Posted By JeEtTu^

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The Return Of Italo·Disco And Euro·Beat.. Forever Eurodance.

···· Pump Up The Volume ...!!!
┌──────────── ♥
│···· Welcome To......
│The Second A Love Nest ..

Knock, And it Shall Be Opened  To You ....  

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